Cost of Fatalities and Serious Injuries Cost as % of country GDP


Road accidents inflicts high economic costs. This ratio considers economic costs of road accidents with GDP (SEC-SEG-001).

Deaths by Road User Category - motorised 2/3W

Reported distribution of road traffic deaths by type of road user type - Motorised two wheelers including electric two wheelers is considered here.

Cost of Fatalities and Serious Injuries


Road accidents inflicts high economic costs. This indicator reports economic costs of road accident injuries in USD.

APRSO Annual Meeting Day 2: APRSO member countries set to appoint National Data Coordinators

Day two of the Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatory’s first annual meeting was entitled ‘Country Experiences in Collecting, Analyzing & Managing Data’ and kicked off with a case study from the Philippines where, since the introduction of distracted driving laws, the number of crashes attributable to this cause has plummeted from 773 in 2017 to just 26 in 2019.

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Strategies to Tackle the Issue of Impaired Driving for Road Safety in the Asia-Pacific Region: Implementation Framework

Strategies to Tackle the Issue of Impaired Driving for Road Safety in the Asia-Pacific Region: Implementation Framework

Road Safety is a sustainable development challenge for the member countries of the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). In 2016, approximately 1.35 million people were killed in road crashes globally. The economic and social consequences of this are enormous. In recent years, road safety has been receiving greater attention from the international community, and in 2010, the General Assembly proclaimed the period from 2011 to 2020 as the Decade of Action for Road Safety. The global commitment to road safety was further strengthened by the General Assembly through the adoption of resolution 70/1 on 25 September 2015 of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, as reflected in targets 3.6 (by 2020 halve the number of global deaths by road accidents) and 11.2 (by 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, persons with disabilities and older persons) of the accompanying Sustainable Development Goals.

Road safety has been a major concern in Asia and the Pacific, as 60 per cent of global road deaths in 2016 occurred in the region. In line with the trend globally, road safety has received greater attention from high- level policymakers among ESCAP member countries. At the Ministerial Conference on Transport, at its third session, held in Moscow from 5 to 9 December 2016, the Asia-Pacific transport ministers renewed their commitments towards improving road safety by adopting the Ministerial Declaration on Sustainable Transport Connectivity in Asia and the Pacific, which was endorsed by the Commission in it its resolution 73/4 of 19 May 2017. Under this resolution, members and associate members of ESCAP have been encouraged in meeting their commitments under the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020) and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Notably, road traffic deaths in the ESCAP region declined from 777,016 in 2010 to 733,541 in 2013, and then increased to 812,172 in 2016. The South and South-West Asia subregion accounted for 48.13 per cent of the road deaths.

CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manual 2: Safer Road Works

CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manual 2: Safer Road Works

This manual explains good practices for roadwork sites, offering clear and simple guidance for CAREC road authorities to use to improve road safety at these sites for road users and workers alike. It offers information about the six-zone process, how to plan and implement a traffic management plan, and how to manage a safe worksite. This manual is essential reading for project managers, designers, supervision consultants, contractors, works supervisors and others who have a responsibility for safe worksites.

About the CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manuals

The series of road safety engineering manuals of the CAREC Program came from the endorsement of the CAREC Road Safety Strategy 2017-2030 by member countries. The strategy supports and encourages CAREC authorities to plan, design, construct, and maintain safe roads.

CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manual 1: Road Safety Audit

CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manual 1: Road Safety Audit

Research indicates that up to 28% of crashes are due to the road environment. The first and most important objective of road safety audit is to minimize the risk of crashes, and to minimize the severity of any crashes that may occur on a new road project. Road safety audit is suggested to be undertaken for all CAREC road projects. This manual provides full information for those who undertake the audits (practitioners) as well as for those who manage the audit process (policy makers).

About the CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manuals

The series of road safety engineering manuals of the CAREC Program came from the endorsement of the CAREC Road Safety Strategy 2017-2030 by member countries. The strategy supports and encourages CAREC authorities to plan, design, construct, and maintain safe roads.

Country Statement: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

This presentation covers Afghanistan's role in transport and transit in the region. It also lists the national roads in Afghanistan, the overall road situation, challenges and proposed solutions.

CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manual 3: Roadside Hazard Management

CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manual 3: Roadside Hazard Management

Single vehicle “run-off road” crashes are a significant problem on CAREC roads. They are particularly severe and can occur anywhere and at any time. Identifying, investigating, and treating roadside hazards are significant road safety challenges along CAREC highways. It uses a roadside hazard management strategy and the clear zone concept to explain how CAREC road authorities can (i) identify roadside hazards, (ii) investigate how best to treat those roadside hazards, and (iii) implement effective safety improvements. The manual explains the three groups of safety barriers and offers options for safer roadside furniture.

About the CAREC Road Safety Engineering Manuals

The series of road safety engineering manuals of the CAREC Program came from the endorsement of the 2017-2030 CAREC Road Safety Strategy 2017-2030 by member countries. The strategy supports and encourages CAREC authorities to plan, design, construct, and maintain safe roads.

Safely Connected: A Regional Road Safety Strategy for CAREC Countries, 2017-2030

Safely Connected: A Regional Road Safety Strategy for CAREC Countries, 2017-2030

Road accidents are the sixth leading cause of death in Central Asia., with a road traffic death rate of 10 to 25 per 100,000. A framework is needed for Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) member countries to effectively implement CAREC’s commitment to road safety. CAREC’s strategy envisions making its road corridors safe, efficient, and attractive to motorists. The target is to halve the number of CAREC road corridor fatalities by 2030—translating to 23,000 lives saved and 250,000 serious injuries prevented annually.

The strategy builds upon existing strengths within the region, addresses gaps, utilizes good practice, and mitigates risks. This publication embodies the CAREC countries’ commitment to make road safety a priority.