Asian Transport Outlook Database




ADB has initiated the Asian Transport Outlook (ATO) to strengthen the knowledge base on transport in the Asia-Pacific region. The ATO is developed in support of the planning and delivery of ADB Transport Sector Assistance. At the same time, the ATO supports ADB's Developing Member Countries in transport policy development and delivery.

ADB is working with other interested parties in developing the ATO as an instrument to track the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement and other relevant international agreements on sustainable development in the transport sector. Likewise, the ATO also serves as input in regional transport initiatives, such as the ESCAP Regional Action Programme for Transport Development in Asia and the Pacific, the ASEAN Kuala Lumpur Strategic Action Plan and the Environmental Sustainable Transport Forum 2021-2030 Declaration on Sustainable Transport.

The ATO is an open data resource that creates an institutionalized process for transport data and policy information collection, analysis and documentation.

The ATO collects, organizes, and shares data on the transport sector in 51 countries using more than 450 indicators. It also documents the institutional frameworks, policies, and financing of transport in these countries. This is a multiyear program initially funded by ADB but eventually intended to become a stand-alone program with funding from multiple sources. Phase 1 of the ATO runs from November 2020 till April 2021.